Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Tuesday Topic Week 11

by BB2

Today marks the eleventh week of the One Million Blogs for Peace Tuesday Topic campaign.

During this week we have seen the Democrats fold to the Bush War Machine, giving him even more money than he had asked for and dropping demands for a withdrawal time line while throwing us a bone in the form of some aid for Katrina Victims amounting to about 7% of the war budget along with some other domestic pork totaling another 10% of that budget.

These are the Democrats that we voted in during the last election based on their promises to put an end to the war.
These are the Democrats who are, with the exception of less than a handful, merely trodding along the same slimy path we've been going down the last 6 1/2 years.

We have also seen Cindy Sheehan, an outspoken personality in the peace movement become disgusted with the Democrats, writing them a scathing letter as she quit the party and then days later resigning from the peace movement itself.

So, with all that in mind, here is today's Tuesday Topic.

Eleventh Tuesday Topic
Tuesday, 29 May 2007
Cindy Sheehan, perhaps the most famous personality in the effort to end the Iraq War in America, announced yesterday that she is leaving the peace movement.

She cites extreme disillusionment with both American politicians and the peace movement in general, as well as personal exhaustion and strife, as her reasons for the departure.

What do you think of this decision and its reasoning?

What impact, if any, do you think her announcement will have on the peace movement?

What parts, if any, of her frustration do you relate to?

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